Friday, January 2, 2009



not being able to write a blog for hmmmm.... a couple of weeks maybe, i've decided that one of my "new year's resolution" would be to keep on updating my blog... (naks sip-sip).. hehehe... but at least i can do something with my spare time.. plus i've done something at our house so i can surf the net anywhere..

2008 was a blast. though i had some shares on headaches and heartaches but at least i survived most of my problems(exept for my digital! YIKES!)... i had a couple of last minute trips(most were at bohol)... i lost someone who was dear to me(my lola)... and most of all, i gained a new lover..(my honey Glendhel)...

i wish this year would be so lucky for me... i would become successful and face my problems without any recourse.

pls do check this site! this is something that will make you hate people in the govt!.

my last minute trip at bohol with my hubby...

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